English corner

Did you know?

Did you know that he that believes in Christ is not condemned ?

Did you know that God wanted to manifest his glory in your life ?
Did you know that grace and peace could be multiplied unto you ?
Did you know that you were called to glory and virtue ?
Did you know that all the great and precious promises of the Bible are for you ?
Did you know that God wants you to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust ?
Did you know that you are not called to live a barren and unfruitful life, but you are called to make your calling and your election sure ?
Your destiny is the everlasting glorious kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
You must be established in that truth for ever.

Do not follow devised fables, nor damnable heresies.

Follow Him.

That light of Christ shines in you even when you walk in a dark place.
The day star will arise in your heart as you deny ungodliness and worldly lusts to live godly in this present age.
For the love of the Father cannot be in us if we love the world.
That which is in this world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes are against that which is born of God in you. You overcome as you believe.
When you do believe, God counts it to you for righteousness.
He brings you out of the land of captivity and sinfulness.

Did you know that when you hear or when you read the words that bear witness of the Light, the true light which lightens every man, you receive that light and that light gives you power to become the
daughter or the son of the living God ?

Now you do know that whosoever believes in him shall not perish.

Mickaël Berreby


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