English corner

A Divine Growth

The Church should be Christ within the heart of His own, a sweet experience of Christ in each and every member, indeed the Church, as the Bride, experienced in the inner life of the individual who shares the glory, eating from the tree of life.

Real faith cannot be theoretical, nor a matter of knowledge or doctrines, opinions or theological views. Real faith has to do with real life. That life is Christ. He said: “I am the life”. He is that life. He is the Bread of life.

A multitude in this world is looking into religions for the experience of life without finding it, because it is not found in religions. It has to be in a relationship with God by His grace and in the spirit of our regenerated mind.

Few realise that the Bible is much more than narrations, history, doctrines, theories.
It is food to give us life, as Jesus was called the Word of God. He was the Word of God incarnated.

We incarnate what dwells in us. If we dwell in ourselves, we are defeated, naked and poor mortal beings without life, becoming the dust we came from. When Christ dwells in us, we experience the incarnation of God in us who tabernacles in our spirit. That miracle has nothing to do with religion which veils the reality of the experience behind traditions.

Religion is just acting. It is observed in every single branch of religion everywhere in the world. It is a theater, with music, entertainments, emotions, atmospheres, decorum. People are playing what has been transmitted to them.

Life comes from heaven. Faith does not proceed from traditions. It is born of God as the Word becomes life to us. The only way at our disposal to know God is what He says, His Word.
Our own words betray His Word. We add or we forget and neglect many aspects of biblical truths. But the Word unveiled does not deal with aspects of the truth. It is the unveiling of the Lord as the light which shines in darkness.

Where would one look to meet God. It has to be in prayer a sincere search into the Scripture. Even the most talented exposition of the Bible would never surpass the Word of God itself.
Our world is in a disturbed mental and spiritual state. Beside the many threats and the many conflicts, we see sorrow, sadness, depression, attempts to escape this sense of despair which assails our youth.

This world ignores the binding agreement made between God and His children on the cross.
What about the Church? Are the believers aware of their heritage, their spiritual property passed down since Jesus came?
Do they know that God provided for their full redemption, their rescue from bondage?
Are they conscious that they are free from danger, harm and risk when they simply trust their Saviour?

What a challenge to live according to God’s covenant. God’s love relationship does not depend upon our faithfulness, but it is entirely based upon God’s Word.

He is what He said.
He says what He is.

As we let His Word produce and bring forth in us the work of grace, we experience a divine growth, a renewing of our mind to the glory of his name.

Mickaël Berreby


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